#iwm - institute for human sciences

#iwm - institute for human sciences

Beitragvon luxperpetua » Fr 13. Feb 2015, 18:31

Dear Madam/Sir,

the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) warmly invites you to attend the following events.
If not stated otherwise they will take place in the IWM library.

Your IWM team

__________ WEEK 8 __________

Tuesday, February 17, 4:00pm
Fellows’ Seminar
Engendering Democracy in Turkey?
Participation and Inclusion of Women's Civil Society Organizations under AKP Rule
Huercan Asli Aksoy
Ph.D. candidate in Political Science, University of Tübingen; Junior Visiting Fellow at the IWM
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/engendering-democracy-turkey/> Further Details and Registration ]

Wednesday, February 18, 4:00pm
Seminar “Faces of Eastern Europe
“We were stupid”: Self-Criticism in Post-Communist Times
Magdalena Nowicka
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Łódź; Bronisław Geremek Junior Visiting Fellow at the IWM
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/stupid-self-criticism-post-communist-times/> Further Details and Registration ]

Thursday, February 19, 6:00pm
Malraux’s Quest
Fraternity and the Death of Humanism in the First World War
Nicolas de Warren
Professor of Philosophy, Center for Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy, Catholic University, Leuven
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/malrauxs-quest-fraternity-death-humanism-first-world-war/> Further Details and Registration ]

20.–22. Februar
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (TC / LC)
Gutes Leben für alle
Kongress zum Neudenken von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik
[ <http://www.guteslebenfueralle.org/index.php?id=1> Nähere Informationen ]

__________ WEEK 9 __________

Montag, 23. Februar, 16:00Uhr
Fellows’ Seminar
Phänomenologie und Religion in der Sowjetunion
Leben und Werk Vladimir V. Bibikhins (1938 - 2004)
Vera Ammer
Freiberufliche Übersetzerin, Euskirchen; Paul Celan Visiting Fellow am IWM
Vladimir Bliznekov
Philosoph, Religionswissenschaftler, Jurist und Autor
Ludger Hagedorn
IWM Research Director, Polemical Christianity: Jan Patočka’s Concept of Religion and the Crisis of Modernity
Sebastian Lederle
Externer Lehrbeauftragter, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
Alexander Mikhailowski
Ao. Professor, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moskau; Gast am IWM
Kristina Stoeckl (Moderation)
IWM Research Director, Religious Traditionalism and Politics; APART-Fellow der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien
[ Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/phanomenologie-und-religion-der-sowjetunion/> ]

Wednesday, February 25, 4:00pm
Seminar "Faces of Eastern Europe"
Those Who Come Late Will Be Punished by Life
Economic Reform in the GDR
Hans-Jürgen Wagener
Professor em. of Economics, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/come-late-will-punished-life/> Further Details and Registration ]

Thursday, February 26, 6:00pm
Monthly Lecture
Why are Today’s Social Protests not Turning into Social Movements?
>From Havel to Žižek and back
Sławomir Sierakowski
Founder, Krytyka Polityczna; Director, Institute for Advanced Study, Warsaw. Visiting Fellow at the IWM
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/todays-social-protests-not-turning-social-movements/> Further Details and Registration ]

__________ WEEK 10 __________

Tuesday, March 3, 4:00pm
Seminar "Faces of Eastern Europe"
How Free Are the Media in Hungary?
Thoughts About the New Media Landscape
Judit Klein
Freelance journalist, Pécs
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/free-media-hungary/> Further Details and Registration ]

Dienstag, 3. März, 19:00Uhr
Wiener Rathaus, Festsaal
Wiener Vorlesung
Entrechtung und Verrechtlichung
Entpolitisierung der Demokratie?
Shalini Randeria
Rektorin, IWM; Professorin für Sozialanthropologie und Soziologie, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Genf
[ <http://www.iwm.at/events/event/entrechtung-und-verrechtlichung-entpolitisierung-der-demokratie/> Nähere Informationen ]

If you prefer not to receive further announcements from IWM, please reply to this e-mail with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject.

Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen
Institute for Human Sciences
Spittelauer Lände 3
1090 Wien
Tel. +43/1/313 58-108
Fax +43/1/313 58-60
<http://www.iwm.at> www.iwm.at
"read everything, listen to everybody, don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research" W.C. 1943-2001
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Mo 20. Okt 2014, 13:54

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