PPNL: Dutch Pirate Party attacked in hacking incident

Alles, was mit Piratenparteien zu tun hat.

PPNL: Dutch Pirate Party attacked in hacking incident

Beitragvon luxperpetua » Mi 26. Nov 2014, 19:17

During the General Assembly of the Dutch ‘Piratenpartij’ (PPNL), hackers penetrated the security of the party’s infrastructure. Some of the databases that were affected were the member administration system and the webmail. It is still not clear whether the intruders copied any data, changed files or compromised the party’s infrastructure in some other way.

http://piratetimes.net/dutch-pirate-par ... -incident/

bin gespannt, wie es bei uns in der ppat anschaut...irgendwas dürfte passiert sein, denn vom bund kommuniziert bis jetzt nur MoD irgendwie...
"read everything, listen to everybody, don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research" W.C. 1943-2001
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Mo 20. Okt 2014, 13:54

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